Build a business with purpose as your foundation.

Not sure how? Don't worry. Dream Team Académie will guide you. Your purpose is determined by who you are, who you serve, how you serve them, and why it matters.


Set your goals with vision and intention for a portfolio that is authentic

DREAM Goals are based on your purpose and vision and will provide the kind of impact you have been dreaming of.


Planned action results in achieved success

An action plan is part of all our offerings at Dream Team Académie. Tasks that are meaningful and specific will help you achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality.


The experience you deliver will determine the success of your business

Check in with your clients on a regular basis to get feedback on their satisfaction with your product/services. Value their comments and make changes to improve whenever possible.



Everyone has a dream / vision - you have been given yours for a purpose and we will help you discover how to turn your dream into reality using your creative gifts and a goal setting system that works so you can present a portfolio that is unique & authentically YOU.


Relationships are one of the main reasons we are on this earth. Imagine a community of dreamers encouraging and supporting each other. We believe that a creative community cultivating collaboration and teamwork truly does make the dream work. 


Education is the key to growth. Learning together, encouraging and supporting each other, sharing experience and knowledge collectively - these things allow us to build our businesses with purpose and propel a greater level of growth than we could possibly accomplish alone.

What's with the name?

Because . . . words matter. 
Each of the words in this business name relate to, or are actual core values of the company.

I am a Creative Portfolio Specialist & Event Consultant.
What's that mean?
I work alongside you to put together a portfolio that is complete (not just pretty pictures), genuine (showcases personality and offers), and purposeful (brimming with intention and values) so that attracting ideal clients gets easier and doing your job is more joyful! 

I believe your biggest personal growth will come as you invest in a mentor who understands your business. You will grow and expand as you collaborate with a team of like-minded entrepreneurs. I will help you connect and nurture those connections for a business that feels more like a community than a lonely island. You can choose your own preferred level of support. 

Relationships are everything. . . we were created for them.

"People are my jam. Being with others gives me energy. Listening and understanding different perspectives makes me whole.

I spent quite a few years of my first years being in business as a 'solopreneur' and for me that was -
SO. draining.

That's when I had an epiphany. Just because I was a sole proprietor didn't mean I had to be a loner. We were not made to do the journey of life alone . . . I truly believe we are better together."


You will benefit from our belief in community by gaining a fabulous support sytem.

We are the dreamers of the dreams...

"I am sentimental and nostalgic.

Maybe that comes from having grandparents that were in love with each other and in love with life. A romanticized version of their lives sometimes creeps into my thoughts and if I'm being 100% - I've envisioned my life as a 1940s movie script more than once (insert laughing at myself here). But the truth inside the dream is that my Paw went after his ideals. He believed that he could create the life he wanted and he did.

I want that."

A Dreamer

Dreaming leads to being and doing the most incredible things imaginable.

You can do it. And I will cheer you on every step of the way.

"I know that every person is unique and special. No two are created exactly alike and everyone has dreams of their very own with the ability to make those dreams come true.

Each of us has our own superpower(s). Yep, you read that one right. Do you know yours? I'd love to chat about it. It's actually one of my favorite subjects. 

ANYTHING is possible when we surround ourselves with the right community."

AN Encourager

You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. The Académie is filled with guides and members that value growth.

Inspiration is everywhere...
take time to look for it

"I love exploring. . . any place near water refreshes my soul. The beach is my number one, something about the sand and sea that is so healing and revitalizing. Sailing is at the top of my list, too.

Exploring isn't limited to travel though . . . Music, Art, Experiences, Relationships - in all their glorious forms - are adventures waiting to happen. I feel like I learn so much when I remember to enjoy the journey, to soak it up, to stay in the moment and be grateful."


You will be reminded to fill your own cup so that you can pour freely into those who need you most - no more burnout.

We are better together.

"My creativity comes in little spritzes and big waves. Sometimes it starts as a glimmer and slowly takes on a life of it's own. Other times, I get inspired and I feel like my brain is swimming furiously to keep up with the tidal wave of ideas. 

My favorite projects are ones that involve a team of talented people. I know that my best work involves others. A mirror can reflect a ray of light - sure. But a prism with many sides bounces the light in many directions, scattering beauty all around..."

a CreativE Collaborator

You will have the opportunity to serve and be served in a community that cares.

Education is what remains after you have forgotten everything you learned in school.

"Learning from others who have been where we are and who are where we want to be is one of the smartest things we can do . . . how many times have you wished you could jump ahead of the curve?

That is what happens when we choose our teachers with care. I have always grown the most when working with a mentor.

I believe the wisest thing we can be is teach-able."


Being surrounded by others who know there is always more to learn is the least intimidating environment to grow in.

Who is Jacqueline Malocu?

-D. Cross Photography

"Jacqueline's talent is undeniable but so much more than that is her heart for serving her clients well...She has a heart for loving people intentionally and attention to even the smallest detail. She is a natural encourager and exceeds every expectation in her ability to problem solve. Trusting Jacqueline with your event will be one of the best investments you will make."  

-Kassie Layne Photography

"Jacqueline has been my voice of reason, a mentor and a friend. Hiring her has been such a blessing! Her expertise has proven to be priceless and her approach to business is refreshing. I'm so grateful to have her in my corner as I push forward to grow my business with clear intention and goals!" 

-Marissa Adie

"Jacqueline is an awe-inspiring mentor. She captivates her students through her dedication to her craft. Her passion was felt through the entire course...I would highly recommend Jacqueline for all your event and business needs" 

Ready to stand out from the crowd?
Let's give your portfolio a makeover.

Ready to stand out from the crowd?

Let's give your portfolio a makeover.

Click here to book your FREE CALL

Copyright 2022
office in Pennsylvania | clients world-wide