Equipping creative professionals to build portfolios with purpose & joy
Reading can take you on a magical journey - a gateway to learning & dreaming. . . . I've never been a big fan of over-sharing so writing doesn't always come easy, but I appreciate how important it is to really understand who are you doing business with. This blog is where you can get to know more about me, snatch up all the best tips, get the inside scoop on some real-life stories, and discover new ways to use YOUR creativity & expression to build an authentic portfolio that showcases your product and services so that you can attract your dream clients and do more of the work you love. I'm so glad you're here!
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“to understand how the different types of styled shoots can be good for your business, it is important to know the purpose and benefits of each one” – Dream Team Académie The four basic types of styled shoots are: editorial, portfolio-building, educational and branding. Some of their differences are quite obvious. Others are more subtle. […]